Practical Test 61.39(a)(6) endorsement – who is the
Asked by: AviatorTrevor88 2827 views Flight Instructor
I have a student who I did 100% of his primary training up until his checkride. I gave him his endorsements including 61.39(a)(6). He passed his oral portion and had to discontinue due to an alternator issue with the airplane. We are 30 days into his 60 day period to continue the checkride. If he fails, I know I will need to retrain him and reissue the 61.39(a)(6) endorsement. He did about 2 hours of training with another CFI to stay proficient since COVID-19 has happened and I've been taking a break from instructing to decrease exposure risk for my pregnant wife.
I guess I want to know if those 2 hours he did with a different CFI could count towards the 3 hours for the 61.39(a)(6) endorsement? 61.39 mentions an "authorized instructor", and I've read the 61.1 defintion of it. The definition basically seems to just mean you have a CFI certificate? So, my guess would be I could give him the endorsement if I just did 1 hour of training with him (assuming that was sufficient time to retrain on what he failed on)?
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