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3 Answers

As a student pilot could you receive high performance or complex airplane instruction?

Asked by: 2884 views FAA Regulations, Private Pilot, Student Pilot

As a student pilot could you receive high performance or complex airplane instruction?

If so can you use at as hours towards your PPL?

3 Answers

  1. KDS on Jun 09, 2020

    Yes and yes.

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  2. Richard Eastman on Jun 09, 2020

    It is not required for a Private Pilot certificate … and thus, it is an”option”. However, the more experience a student pilot gets in different kinds of airplanes … including high performance and complex aircraft … the better a student understands the nuances of airplanes as well as advantages, disadvantages, and mission capabilities — particularly if that exposure is under the tutelage of a CFI that the student knows and trusts.

    // Richard Eastman

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  3. John Scarry on Jun 11, 2020

    This would be a good time for you to read the requirements for obtaining your PPL that are found in §61.109 Aeronautical experience. You will note that when the FAA wants to restrict what you can do, it is very specific.

    Note the number of times they use the phrase “single-engine airplane”. They placed no other restrictions on the airplane that you use. In fact, if you add up the hours that are required in single-engine airplanes, you get a number less that 40—10 hours solo and 12 with an instructor. The remaining time can be any combination of training and solo. It can also be in any aircraft—including gliders, multi-engine, and 2.5 hours in a simulator.

    This post https://www.askacfi.com/12546/glider-time.htm has some more details.

    Refer also to §61.107 Flight proficiency. This lists the _minimum_ requirements in your training, but does not say that you can’t receive training _in addition_ to the minimum. In my case, I had to get a high-performance endorsement before I soloed because I trained in a 230HP Cessna 182. If you train in a taildragger, you would need the training and endorsement for that.

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