Private Pilot Airplane Add on
Asked by: Rebecca 4530 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Helicopter, Private Pilot
I have my private helicopter rating and looking to do my private pilot airplane add on. After researching info I found this. Someone could confirm that this is correct?
Also, I dont need to take the written exam again?
Private Pilot Airplane Add-On
Pilots will not be required to take an additional written exam. International pilots who have never taken a FAA written exam will be required to do so, or a restriction will be placed on their FAA license.
To be eligible for a Private Pilot Airplane Add-On, a person must:
- Obtain a minimum of 30 flight hours, which must include a minimum 20 hours of dual flight and a minimum 10 hours of solo flight
- Complete Ground School (Approximately 10 hours)
- Pass FAA practical examination
- Must complete the training and have the applicable aeronautical experience.
- Must have logbook or training record endorsement from an authorized instructor attesting that you were found competent in the appropriate aeronautical knowledge areas and proficient in the appropriate areas of operation.
- Must pass the practical test (Written not applicable, unless license expired).
- Need not take any additional knowledge test, provided applicant holds an airplane, rotorcraft, power-lift, weight-shift-control aircraft, powered parachute, or airship rating at that pilot certificate level.
The training specified as must do in FAR AIM 61.109 to accomplish the Additional Fixed Wing Aircraft Category rating from FAR AIM 61.63, designates the FAA minimum as described below:
- 3 hours of cross country
- 3 hours of flight training on the control and maneuvering of the single engine aircraft
- 3 hours flight training by authorized instructor
- 10 hours of solo cross country time
- At least 5 hours include solo cross country time:
- One solo to include 150 nautical miles with full stop landing at three points.
- Three takeoff’s and three landings to full stop involving flight in the traffic pattern at an airport with an operating tower.
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