3 Answers
logging PIC time
Asked by: chackaviation 2148 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
Question: You are flying in a single engine, high performance, complex airplane . You hold a PPL with an airplane single engine landing rating , but do not have a high performance or complex airplane endorsement. Your friend , who has those endorsements is acting as the PIC for the flight. Can you log PIC time for the time you act as a sole manipulator of the controls ?
Answer: Yes. you can log PIC time but you can NOT act as a PIC.
Based on this question why would they allow you to log PIC time when you're not acting as the Pilot-in-Command?
Since I'm logging time in the log wouldn't that mean that I have some sort of experience ? but in reality, i have no clue since i'm not allowed to act as the PIC
or em I missing something here?
my brain can't just accept this fact, is there a logical reason behind this?
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