Lose RAIM but we have WAAS, can you shoot the GPS approach?
Asked by: gggggn 5922 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating
My student got the questions from checker “if you loss RAIM but WAAS, can you shoot the approach?”
And the answer she wanted was No.
But I wonder, doesn’t WAAS provide accuracy and integrity check? Isn’t that why with WAAS that meets tso c145/146, you don’t need to do RAIM check, as long as WAAS is available, shouldn’t you have accurate differential data for you to continue the approach
in fact, if your gps receiver has WAAS, its using the waas massage from the GEO, it’s not even using raim/fde, correct?
I’ve been searching for answers, but couldn’t find a definitive one anywhere, I’d appreciate it if someone could help clarify this, thank you
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