Who gets to legally deactivate/placard inoperative equipment?
Asked by: bucky 5043 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations
14 CFR 91.205 (d)(3)(ii) reads: "The inoperative instruments and equipment are deactivated and placarded "Inoperative." If deactivation of the inoperative instrument or equipment involves maintenance, it must be accomplished and recorded in accordance with part 43..."
14 CFR 43 allows certain preventive maintenance to be done by the pilot. Other types of maintenance cannot be done by the pilot.
Presumably, if the deactivation and placarding does not involve maintenance as defined in any section of Part 43, a PIC who is not an owner/operator can do as much to fly. Does this also mean that the same PIC can legally deactivate and placard inoperative equipment, provided that it constitutes preventive maintenance?
I was under the impression that in any case, only the owner/operator can legally deactivate and placard inoperative equipment.
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