FAR 61 15 DUI arrest no conviction no drivers license suspension
Asked by: Rusty Pilot 2057 views FAA Regulations
In 2017 I was arrested for a DUI in IL. About 2.5 years ago. I helped drive a dog that was run over to the vet. Thankful that I didn't hurt anyone else, property or myself. Learned my lesson!
BAC under .15
My drivers license was never suspended or revoked. The Statutory Summary Suspension was rescinded within the time frame suspension would have taken place.
I was not convicted of a DUI. My sentence was delayed for 1 year. I instead received a 1 year court supervision which I completed successfully which means no conviction under IL law and no criminal record and prevents a public entry of conviction.
I was not actively flying then or now.
I did not report it to the FAA as per 61.15 as both questions in my case result in a NO answer.
I would like to start flying again both recreationally and professionally. Chances with a regional? I used to fly 135 and 121.
I know I need to answer YES on question 18V on the medical application. But other then that, should I play it safe and go ahead and notify the FAA beforehand and submit both the Form for 61.15 as well as an apology letter for being 2.5 years late?
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