Two ILS approaches to the same runway with different minimums
Asked by: Marat 2612 views Instrument Rating
There are two ILS approaches for Pangborn Memorial (KEAT) which are related to the same runway: ILS Y RWY 12 and ILS Z RWY 12. Both charts are quite similar:
- DME is required;
- IAF/IF and the altitude between them 9400 are the same;
- the GS angle is the same 3.6 degrees.
But their minimums are different: 1555-1 for the "Z" chart and 2433-4 for the "Y" one. Also, they have different missed approach routes.
So, here is the question. Why do the charts have different minimums? KEAT is placed in the mountains. I guess it might be that the crew must be learned in order to make the "Z" approach but there is no "Authorization required" statement on the charts.
Thank you in advance.
P.S. I haven't mentioned it before. I'm not a real pilot. I'm just interested in aviation very much.
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