Instructor pressure
Asked by: flightbug 2247 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Student Pilot
I have a commercial pilots licence with an instrument rating. I don't have a current medical. I just got checked out by a CFI the other day in a C172. This CFI is an owner of a new flight school. He has a lot of students and no instructors. I am still very rusty. He keeps asking me to fly with his student pilots and also asked me to get an instructor ready to fly again who hasn't flown in over 20 years. Is this safe, and more importantly legal? He hasn't checked to see if I have a medical at least. He asks me to teach his students to land, and even asked me to train an instructor to be a CFI again who hasn't flown in over 20 years. I have explained to him that this is unsafe, but he keeps bugging me to fly with his students. He doesn't want to turn down students. Are there any repercussions for what he wants, this way I can make him understand? Thanks!
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