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Asked by: 2199 views Private Pilot, Weather

Can you recommend a good website where I can brush up on my METAR skills?

Thank you,

Dave Hett

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4 Answers

  1. John Scarry on Oct 22, 2019

    Chapter 3 of Aviation Weather Services will get you started on understanding METARs and TAFs.


    The Alaska office of the FAA has a comprehensive METAR cheat sheet that’s overkill for most airmen.


    After you study, you can use the Aviation Weather website to pull up METARs and TAFs for any airport you want and practice your decoding skills. Replace KSFO with the identifier of the airport in the link below.


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  2. ayavner on Oct 22, 2019

    here is aviationweather.gov’s write-up on it – note the subject here is TAFs, but they use the same format so you can pretty much read one if you can read the other:


    now go here https://www.aviationweather.gov/metar/data/

    and try your hand at decoding all of them – be sure to set it to the RAW format. This list covers a wide area so should give you a broad range of conditions. Good luck!


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  3. KDS on Oct 22, 2019

    Since nobody came forward with an answer, let me make a suggestion.

    Go out to http://www.youtube.com and type in the acronym METAR. A whole lot of videos will pop up. You can follow the same logic with TAF and just about any other subject you can think of.

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  4. Best Answer

    Dauntless Aviation www.dauntless-soft.com on Oct 29, 2019

    All of the answers provided by others are passive. While better than nothing, passive methods don’t really make for good learning. Here are two “active learning” suggestions that may be better for you:

    1. Find your favorite aviation weather site for current METARs. Decode them by hand on a piece of paper and then use a METAR decoder website to see if you are right.

    2. Get one of our test preps at http://www.FAATest.com for a rating or certificate that you have or may get in the future. Most FAA test banks contains up to several dozen METARs, SPECIs, TAFs, and the like. Unlike other test prep sources which just give you a very short answer, we have fully decoded in detail every such aviation weather product that exists in the system and have added detailed notes where appropriate to further highlight key issues. It’s never a bad idea to review the written test material even for licenses and certificates you already have. Additionally, by doing so, you help support Dauntless Aviation who are the sponsors of this AskACFI site.


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