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CFI Airplane Add On (to CFI Rotorcraft-Helicopter) Practical Test Questions.

Asked by: 2371 views Flight Instructor

CFI Airplane Add On (to CFI Rotorcraft-Helicopter) Practical Test Questions.  I'm hoping someone here can save me hours of research on a rare path to CFI Airplane.  Amongst other certificates and ratings, I have ATP MEL Airplane, Comm-Instr Rotorcraft-Helicopter and CFII Rotorcraft-Helicopter.  I want to take the practical test for CFI Airplane Add On.  I am prepping for the FIA written test.  When that's complete, I'll go out with a CFI to prep for the maneuvers/PTS.   Can someone tell me what to expect on the practical test oral portion... IOW - do I need to bone up on / refresh myself on all the basic CFI / FOI / Aeronautical Knowledge questions?  Also - will I need to get Single Engine Land Airplane first?  Thanks in advance!

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2 Answers

  1. vaflyer on Oct 20, 2019

    The practical for the CFI – Airplane is still, as of Oct 19, a Practical Test Standard (PTS) and not yet an Airmen Certification Standard (ACS). If you go to FAA.gov and airmen testing you can find the CFI – airplane PTS. If you go to page 21 of that document you will find a table that lists the areas and tasks required to add an airplane single-engine CFI to a helicopter CFI. Note that the examiner can go into any area but these are the required areas. One problem I find with many CFI applicants is that they look at the PTS for the CFI but ignore the ACS for the maneuvers (commercial and in some cases private). The maneuvers are to the commercial standard. Also, you must hold a commercial airplane single-engine rating to apply for the CFI (61.183(c)(1). In fact, without it, IACRA will not allow you to submit an application.

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  2. KDS on Oct 20, 2019

    Q: do I need to bone up on / refresh myself on all the basic CFI / FOI

    A: No, maybe.

    The examiner is REQUIRED to test on certain things and no more than those required items. The examiner is ALLOWED to test on anything and everything in the PTS.

    Take a look at the PTS (FAA-S-8081-6D). Look at the ADDITIONAL RATING TABLE. Besides being something you need to know for this event, it is something you should know about to help future students. Look at the column headed by RH, which is what you hold. The items listed under it define what is REQUIRED. My personal experience is that it is extremely rare for an examiner to go beyond what is required, but it’s not impossible. Generally speaking when someone has a problem with an event that is outside of the required items it is because they goofed something up in the course of flying and not because they were asked to demonstrate it during the test.

    So, you will note that the Part I stuff of the PTS (which is the FOI) is not required. I’ve known a great many airline pilots over the years who jumped through hoops every two years to renew their CFI because they didn’t think they could ever recite the FOI stuff again if they should ever let their CFI expire and need to reinstate it.

    Speaking of that, it doesn’t matter if your rotorcraft-helicopter CFI is expired. It still counts.

    Q: Aeronautical Knowledge questions?

    A: Some. See the Additional Rating Table for details.

    Q: Also – will I need to get Single Engine Land Airplane first?

    A: Yes, as stated in the previous answer unless you choose to get a CFI-AME.

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