CFI Airplane Add On (to CFI Rotorcraft-Helicopter) Practical Test Questions.
Asked by: Nino 2371 views Flight Instructor
CFI Airplane Add On (to CFI Rotorcraft-Helicopter) Practical Test Questions. I'm hoping someone here can save me hours of research on a rare path to CFI Airplane. Amongst other certificates and ratings, I have ATP MEL Airplane, Comm-Instr Rotorcraft-Helicopter and CFII Rotorcraft-Helicopter. I want to take the practical test for CFI Airplane Add On. I am prepping for the FIA written test. When that's complete, I'll go out with a CFI to prep for the maneuvers/PTS. Can someone tell me what to expect on the practical test oral portion... IOW - do I need to bone up on / refresh myself on all the basic CFI / FOI / Aeronautical Knowledge questions? Also - will I need to get Single Engine Land Airplane first? Thanks in advance!
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