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5 Answers

Getting CFII with Expired CFI

Asked by: 2489 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating

Hey Guys I got a Question about Expired CFI.

I got expired CFI and I need to reinstatement my instructor.  I did google and find regulations but still confusing.

  • My question is should i hold CFI when i take CFII or MEI checkrider.

I thought I can take cfii with out hold cfi but when i summit my IACRA. that keep saing " •Must hold a CFI certificate in order to add a rating to a CFI certificate.".

Do you guys have any idea?

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5 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    KDS on Oct 13, 2019

    14 CFR 61.199(a)(2) says you can do it with an expired CFI.

    I suspect the reason you’re getting kickback is because you think you don’t hold a CFI because your CFI is expired and you are answering the questions that way. The fact is, you do hold a CFI, albeit an expired one.

    You’re just like a pilot who never got one of the newer plastic certificates and still has the old paper certificate. They hold a pilot certificate, they just cannot legally use is to exercise the privileges of the certificate.

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  2. Ryan Kwon on Oct 13, 2019

    KDS on Oct 13, 2019
    14 CFR 61.199(a)(2) says you can do it with an expired CFI.

    I suspect the reason you’re getting kickback is because you think you don’t hold a CFI because your CFI is expired and you are answering the questions that way. The fact is, you do hold a CFI, albeit an expired one.

    You’re just like a pilot who never got one of the newer plastic certificates and still has the old paper certificate. They hold a pilot certificate, they just cannot legally use is to exercise the privileges of the certificate.

    Thanks for your answer!

    I checked 91.199 (a) (2) earlier and that’s why i thought i can do CFII with expired CFI.
    But when i summit IACRA. the problem pops up. that said “Must hold a CFI certificate in order to add a rating to a CFI certificate.”.

    Do you have any idea that how to make application.

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  3. KDS on Oct 14, 2019

    I wish I could lean over your shoulder as you fill out the application. However, you might try calling the IACRA Help Desk:


    I’d suggest calling early in the day. I’ve had times later in the day when the wait time was absurd (like four hours).

    You might ask a CFI friend to lean over your shoulder as you fill out the application.

    If all else fails, you can still use a paper application.

    Sorry that I cannot be of more help. It’s a little difficult to guess where things go wrong in that convoluted software system called IACRA.

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  4. Amy D. on Apr 28, 2020

    Same situation here, and when I try to add my CFI certificate (which doesn’t auto populate like my other certificates), IACRA says the expiration date must be for today or later…

    How did you end up getting around this?

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  5. Sherm on Nov 02, 2020

    I ran into the same scenario, after contacting IACRA support it was determined the software was not programmed for the scenario of an add on to an expired CFI. Consulted with my DPE and used the paper 8710 for a workaround which worked.

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