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3 Answers

Student Pilot License

Asked by: 1657 views General Aviation

So, my time to see a CFI or get started on flight training is very limited. I've spent time reading books and tutorials. The likelihood of me getting to a CFI is limited.


In terms of getting a Student Pilot license, how would you go about this? I've filled out the application on IACRA.FAA.GOV. Naturally, I would need a flight instructor to instruct me regardless of having a student pilot license or not, so regardless I need to see a flight instructor and get going, but how can I otherwise get a Student Pilot License (again, not like it's going to really mean much).


My main question is, is there anyone or thing that can verify identity and pass the application along in the meantime? Any online ground school, person, FSDO, etc?

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3 Answers

  1. KDS on Oct 13, 2019

    You need to take your IACRA data after completing the application to an current CFI or DPE or Part 141 flight school to have it completed. In theory, you could take it to a FSDO, but my experience is that it is becoming easier to break into the vault at Fort Knox than it is to walk into a FSDO and get help in any of the more common functions.

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  2. willmcc on Oct 13, 2019

    Okay got it. So then this is my next question–is it worth it to take online ground schools, for example like Sporty’s or King’s ?

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  3. Kris Kortokrax on Oct 14, 2019

    Just to clear something up, you don’t need to have the Student Pilot Certificate to start taking lessons. You only need it to fly solo. You should be able to complete the application with your CFI during your first ground session before your first flight.

    If your time is that limited, you might consider postponing flight instruction until you can devote some time to the endeavor. If you can only manage a lesson every now and then, your progress will be slow and you might become discouraged.

    With regard to commercial ground instruction course, they can take the place of ground instruction from a CFI toward that required for the knowledge test, but you will still need ground instruction from your CFI.

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