IFR Clearance at Non Towered Airport Underlying Class C
Asked by: mm1 2043 views Airspace, General Aviation, Private Pilot
Scenario: Departing VMC at a non towered airport underlying class C that begins at 2100’. Class C surface to 4800’ begins about 2nm from takeoff runway. There is a clearance delivery frequency listed for the non towered airport in the A/FD
Is it recommended to get the IFR clearance on the CD frequency or to depart VFR, turn to avoid class C surface area, then call approach to get my IFR clearance? I realize a clearance is not guaranteed in the air if ATC is busy. However, since weather is VFR I would prefer not to lock down the other IFR traffic or be delayed taking off.
What is the rule or best practice for this situation?
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