Seeking opinions only – let a student pilot solo at night?
Asked by: ayavner 2015 views Private Pilot, Student Pilot
This is mostly for fellow CFI's, but anyone feel free to chime in - I am only looking for opinions on something that popped into my head while I was reading the regs, but I have no particular emotional attachment to an outcome. Not sure if i can do a poll here.
The question is - assuming a reasonably competent student, and ideal conditions, do you normally allow your students to solo at night?
I know that there is an endorsement for it, and I know that it is not required (that I can tell). It does seem fraught with peril for liability, but on the other hand if they never solo at night under supervision, then as soon as they pass their practical test, they can hop right in and do just that - which also scares me.
Under what conditions, if so and if not, why?
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