C172R/S Anti-Collision Lights
Asked by: cmpt7 4717 views Aircraft Systems, FAA Regulations
According to the legal interpretation cited in this article: https://pilot-protection-services.aopa.org/news/2018/february/01/inoperative-anticollision-lights, if your plane is equipped with both a red beacon and a strobe light, both must be operative to comply with 91.205 since they are both part of the same anti-collision light system.
However. in the C172S Nav III PIM, only the strobe light is listed as required in the equipment list, not the beacon light. Also, in the lighting system description, only the strobe light is described as an "anti-collision light."
So am I correct in thinking that this means the beacon light is not considered to be part of the anti-collision light system for this aircraft? And therefore the strobe can be used in lieu of an INOP beacon light, but not the other way around?
On the other hand, if you look at the PIMs for the C172R and the non-NavIII C172S, neither the beacon nor the strobe are listed as required in the equipment list. And in the lighting system description, neither are specifically described as "anti-collision lights." So is this the case where you would assume both the beacon and strobes are part of the anti-collision light system? And therefore the legal interpretation in the article linked above would apply?
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