Commercial Pilot Requirements cross country
Asked by: Dodulation 5052 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
I noticed some confusion in regards to the requirements to apply for a commercial pilot license and the X-country times you need to have before you can apply. Article 61.129 of the FAR/AIM summarizes these requirements and is not referring to any previous obtained flight time for other ratings. For example; to get your instrument rating you need a X-country flight of 250 nautical miles along airways or by directed routing from an air traffic control facility. I did a X-country of 270 Nm away (straight line) from my POO and made three different (instrument) approaches at three different airports. I believe I can use that same flight for my commercial time since this is in compliance with the commercial (daytime) X-country requirements. My instructor claims that you cannot 'double-dip' and count this time for the commercial rating and that I have to do this X-country again before the DPE will accept this. Neveryjeless, the FAR does not mentioning anything about the use of previous flights and I therefor believe this X-country can be used as they talk about flight time in general regardless when and how be flown.
The same discussion I have about the night X-country; I have done numerous night X-countries (solo PIC) of more than 2 hours that consist of a total flight straight-line distance of more than 100 Nm from the POO. But none without an instructor. My instructor claims that also this particular night X-country has to be flown again before it counts for the commercial rating, he even states that it has to be with a certified flight instructor before the DPE will accept this on the checkride. The FAR does not state anything about the need of an instructor being present during that flight so I believe my solo night X-country flights of >100 Nm also count for the commercial rating.
Are there any commercial pilots or DPE's out there who can clarify the above?
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