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7 Answers

Stupid mistake – I laminated my AKTR…

Asked by: 2356 views FAA Regulations, Private Pilot, Student Pilot

I know, it likely seems to be one of THE DUMBEST things a student pilot could do - I was ecstatic with my score, went straight home and thought "I'm going to protect this from any potential hazard that may damage the form," boy was that a mistake... My question is: does this count as "fraudulent alteration" as stated on the bottom of the AKTR form? Or can I just have my instructor sign off on the necessary spots and treat it like any other AKTR? (Better yet - can I have him sign off on the necessary spots and laminate the already laminated form?)


Sorry if I'm causing you to bang your head against a wall.

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7 Answers

  1. ayavner on Mar 19, 2019

    If memory serves, there isn’t anything for the CFI to sign there unless it is for a retake? Read it carefully and see if that is it – you probably don’t need to worry about that.

    You might just go back to the testing center with your tail between your legs and ask them to print and stamp another copy for you – may cost you a few bucks.

    Did the lamination ruin or alter the raised seal?

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  2. Mealytitan on Mar 19, 2019

    @ayavner Thank you greatly for your timely response! You\’re exactly right, what a relief, I just found that out earlier today through the head of the club I fly out of (which conveniently is also a certificated testing center). Unfortunately they delete the file which holds the results the day after the test (so not as to get in trouble for potentially making copies? Upon looking online apparently printing a copy is cause for closing down the testing facility…)

    Fortunately the lamination has not altered or removed the stamp grooves/embossed area, you can still feel and tell that there\’s a raised & stamped area.

    Thank you again for all your help!

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  3. Best Answer

    KDS on Mar 19, 2019

    My thoughts are in agreement with ayavner’s.

    While I don’t see a problem, unpredictable things can happen. To be 100% safe, it would be best to ask your examiner in advance if he or she would have any problem accepting your test paper laminated. If the answer is yes, you can try the testing center, but I don’t believe it is within their authority to issue a replacement test result.

    To replace a knowledge test, look at this site:


    It costs $12. Not that big an expense in the world of aviation.

    What you don’t want to have happen is to walk in with the examiner on the day of the test and find out he or she won’t accept it. Even assuming they are 100% wrong in not accepting it, you’re stuck with a problem. You might consider spending the $12 (and a stamp) if for no other reason than to put your mind at ease and be as comfortable as possible on the day you present yourself for the test.

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  4. KDS on Mar 19, 2019

    FYI, I was entering my answer at the same time you made your reply. So, I didn’t have the benefit of your additional information.

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  5. Mealytitan on Mar 19, 2019

    @KDS Thank you for your additional input sir! An excellent point; it never hurts to be safe, and always better safe than sorry – especially in the world of aviation! I apologize as I was in such a panic at the time that I didn’t collect all my thoughts and provide you with all the information I should have which I’ll include in the following:

    A) I appreciate the link to the FAA “Lost/Damaged Knowledge Report” page, as I was working through my options and trying to do as much research as possible to find out if laminating the report counted as fraudulent alteration, I was stirred onto that page and filled out that exact form & mailed it to the FAA.

    B) Right after I posted this, I decided it wouldn’t hurt to send an email to the Airman Certification Branch regarding my situation, and after my flight today I received a notification from a member of the FAA stating they could both track the copy of my report they sent AND can send me a verification letter to improve my odds/support me to further allow the examiner to see that I took corrective action and that lamination does not count as alteration.


    I can’t express my gratitude enough to the both of you for helping set my mind at ease. In a tough situation like the one I put myself in here, where I’ll be calling and reserving time with an examiner within the next two days, it’s good hear other folks’ opinions and suggestions.

    Thank you KDS & ayavner!

    All the best and will let you know how things played out if interested.



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  6. ayavner on Mar 20, 2019

    Please do!!! Best of luck! 🙂

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  7. Mealytitan on Mar 29, 2019

    Hey all,

    Just wanted to update as promised regarding the knowledge test report;

    Took my checkride today – that was a ton of fun!

    The examiner said the Knowledge Test Report being laminated is completely acceptable,

    and that he would have done the same thing!

    Passed with flying colors (his words, not mine) – he said I have the knowledge and technique

    of a CFI (I was speechless, even if he was just being nice).

    Officially a licensed pilot – but always learning (and willing to learn).

    Thanks again for all your help guys!

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