Logging PIC and SIC in different portions of the flight?
Asked by: Matt B 2360 views FAA Regulations, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot
Here's the scenario: Two flight instructors go flying together to conduct 4 instrument approaches in VMC in a single engine aircraft. Both pilots are legal and qualified to act as PIC for the flight. The first two approaches are completed by pilot "A" while wearing a view limiting device while pilot "B" is the safety pilot. After pilot "A" completes the second approach, pilot "B" puts on the view limiting device and pilot "A" becomes the safety pilot.
My question is: During the first half of the flight, pilot "A" is PIC (sole manipulator of the flight controls). Is it legal for pilot "A" to log SIC (required crew member for the flight) for the second half while acting as the safety pilot.
Total time for flight 2.0. 1.0 PIC/1.0 SIC. May not be the best way to log it, just curious if it's legal or not.
Asking for a friend....
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