100 nm day/night XC – 61.129 (3) (iii) and (iv) – checking my understanding
Asked by: ayavner 2794 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations
Hi all - just checking my understanding before lining this up with a commercial ASEL client -
briefly, the requirement is a XC with an instructor of 100 nm straight-line distance AND 2 hours.
Question is - he has a Piper Lance, which will take us all of about 45 minutes to do 100 nm. Just to be sure my understanding is ok, as long as the distance is 100nm, there is no reason we can't do some slow flight, maneuvers or diversions, etc to eat up that time? Is the 2 hour requirement including the whole there and back trip? Or just to the destination? Seems like this requirement was designed around Cubs and 152s.
I'd like to go to an airport around 120nm from here, taking 2 hours to do so (vor tracking, slow flight, maneuvers, etc) then get out and eat then do the same at night for the trip back and get them both done in one day with him.
Advice appreciated in advance. Adam
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