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Failed CFI checkride twice

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Failed my CFI initial checkride twice... what are my chances for the airlines?

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5 Answers

  1. KDS on Jan 27, 2019

    It’s all supply and demand and changes dramatically over time.

    However, if you want to ask that question among people who have their fingers on the pulse of Part 121 work, try http://www.jetcareers.com

    Finally, let me throw in this unsolicited piece of advice. Don’t think that flying for the airlines is the end of the rainbow. There are a lot of jobs out there that are rewarding and give you a much better chance of having a normal home life.

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  2. ayavner on Jan 27, 2019

    One thing that I think tipped the scales for me to pass on first attempt was my instructor put me with one of his former students, now a CFI, so he’d been through this recently and was able to mentor me somewhat and give me a good thorough mock oral. My unsoilcited advice, for what it is worth, is don’t go in blind… though at this point you have a good sense of what its like, a practice run with a peer I think gave me the confidence to go in there like i’d done it before.

    And no i didn’t have anything memorized… I’m 49 and some days I feel like I need my ID just to remember my name and where I live.

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  3. KDS on Jan 27, 2019

    Regarding the subject of the practical test itself, one of the sad truths of aviation is there is a mindset that people should fail their CFI at an alarming rate. I’ve heard inspectors brag that nobody in their FSDO passed their CFI the first time. My response was that indicates a very serious management problem in your FSDO. To have 100% of the applicants unprepared to take a test would have to indicate a serious systemic problem with the CFI’s. Any FSDO that would have that kind of problem and not take action to fix it has their priorities seriously out of order. Of course, while the folks in the trenches might agree, the people who could change management direction were functionally deaf.

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  4. John D Collins on Jan 28, 2019

    The only check ride I failed was my initial CFI. I was simply unprepared and it was fully justified.

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  5. KDS on Jan 28, 2019

    You more than made up for it many times over with what you have contributed to aviation education since then.

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