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7 Answers

Combine pactical test

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FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating

Hello everyone.

I have PPL, passed IR written test.

Can I save some money and take 1 practical exam with DPE for IR and ME at same time?

Can I do it on SIM, i.e. A320?

Thank you.

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7 Answers

  1. Kris Kortokrax on Jan 26, 2019

    No, you cannot combine two practical tests into one. There has to be a separate 8710 and a separate test for each certificate/rating.

    If I were concerned about saving money, I would not be taking my practical test in an A320 simulator.

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  2. su27 on Jan 26, 2019

    I have 4000+ hours on A320, so for me it is easy to take exam on SIM instead of get practice on conventional aircraft. I know that SIM hour costs more, but in my case finally it will be cheaper.

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  3. Kris Kortokrax on Jan 26, 2019

    Doing the practical test in an A320 simulator would seriously limit the pool of DPEs who could conduct the practical test. The DPE would need have a type rating for the A320.

    Giving as much information as possible in the original post, helps us to better answer your question. Since you have time in the A320, I would suspect that you currently have a foreign pilot license that allows you to fly the A320 and would include instrument and multi-engine privileges in your country.

    The course of action you should follow depends on your ultimate goal. If you want to eventually get a US ATP certificate, you could apply for a Private Pilot certificate based on your foreign license, without taking any practical test.

    For instance, if your foreign license contains a multi-engine and instrument rating, you can apply for a US certificate at the Private level with multi-engine and instrument ratings. There is an instrument knowledge test for the foreign based instrument privileges. I’m not sure (without looking it up) whether the full blown instrument knowledge test would suffice.

    Or, you could apply directly for the US ATP certificate, if you currently hold an ATP in your country. This is allowed by 14 CFR 61.153(d)(3).

    Either of these options would save you considerable money and time.

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  4. su27 on Jan 26, 2019

    Thank you for your answer.
    Yes, you are absolutely right, I hold ATPL with A320 TR. Two diffrent countries.
    And my final goal is FAA ATP with A320.

    But problem is, the first country doesn`t provide verification letter, it means for FAA – no licence.

    Te second country restricted me as FO A320, so I also can`t apply for FAA licence, bcz in accordance with 8900.1, Vol. 5 Ch. 2, Section 14 Paragraph
    5-599 G, which requires the printed license to show at least one transferable rating as Pilot in Command.

    Therefore, I got FAA PPL, and looking for easiest, faster and cheap way

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  5. Kris Kortokrax on Jan 27, 2019

    One other thing to be aware of is that 61.41 allows you to use instruction that you have received in your country to apply toward the requirements for a US certificate or rating. Don’t spend a lot of money getting instruction that you don’t need.

    At most, you would need to accomplish the requirements of 61.39, 61.65 for the instrument (3 hours) and 61.129 (3 hours).

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  6. KDS on Jan 27, 2019

    Your best bet is to contact the training centers that have A320 simulators. Besides being the most likely place for the check to take place, they are also experts in foreign license related questions.

    To find centers that have an A320 simulator, go to http://www.google.com and as for

    A320 “Training Center”

    You will have multiple options from that point.

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  7. KDS on Jan 27, 2019

    Your best bet is to contact the training centers that have A320 simulators. Besides being the most likely place for the check to take place, they are also experts in foreign license related questions.

    To find centers that have an A320 simulator, go to http://www.google.com and as for

    A320 \”Training Center\”

    You will have multiple options from that point.

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