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4 Answers

Requesting RI role in IACRA

Asked by: 3813 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor

Hopefully a quick one here - I went in to request Recommending Instructor role in IACRA, and it seems pretty straightforward to choose part 61 RI and hit next.  

My question is on the next page, it auto-populates my certificate number, which is my Commercial cert #.  should I leave that as it is since i don't have my CFI certificate number?  Or put CFI after the number?  Surely I don't have to wait until my plastic is issued - that could take a long time wtih the shutdown going on...



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4 Answers

  1. KDS on Jan 16, 2019

    You flight instructor certificate number will be the same as your pilot certificate number assuming you are the standard CFI who held a commercial and then received a CFI.

    I had to go out to IACRA to look at my information and it lists my flight instructor certificate without the CFI suffix.

    My bet is that you couldn’t enter CFI in there even if you tried to. However, to be rock solid certain, there is a help desk number for IACRA. The only question is if they are staffed during the government shutdown or not.

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  2. ayavner on Jan 16, 2019

    Thanks KDS – yeah unfortunately I believe that airmen certification is one of the areas affected by the shutdown. No real biggie, not that I need to sign anyone off yet or for awhile – more a matter of its all fresh on my mind so i like to get these sorts of things taken care of. if I take on any students, I imagine the pace will be such that my certificate will be issued well before I am ready to sign anyone off in IACRA. I can still do logbook entries I believe.

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  3. KDS on Jan 17, 2019

    You can certainly do anything now that you could do later with your plastic certificate in hand.

    If it did come to the point of you wanting to recommend an applicant for a practical test and you were not yet listed in IACRA, you could still use a paper FAA Form 8710-1. The only downside to that is some examiners will charge extra if an applicant hasn’t made the application through IACRA.

    Personally, I recommend doing it both ways (IACRA and paper). The unexpected unpleasant surprise seems to happen all too often and the day of a practical test is a rotten time for unpleasant surprises.

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  4. Iacra sign in on Apr 10, 2020

    […] Requesting RI role in IACRA Ask a Flight Instructor […]

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