CFI-I required to teach commercial students?
Asked by: Matt J Adams 6237 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
61.195(c) reads:
A flight instructor may conduct instrument training for the issuance of an instrument rating, a type rating not limited to VFR, or the instrument training required for commercial pilot and ATP certificated if the following requirements are met...
- A CFI cert and pilot certificate for same category and class airplane.
- hold and instrument rating on his or her flight instructor certificate.
So my question is, as a new CFI with no instrument rating on my instructor certificate can I teach commercial students (who are already instrument rated) or am I required to have the CFI-I just in general to have them as my students?
I am currently working on getting initial CFI certificate and am curious of this in order to provide myself with adequate student flow while I work on getting my CFI-I and MEI.
Thanks to anyone who can provide me some insight on this!
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