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Private Pilot Practical Test Endorsement Expiration

Asked by: 3354 views FAA Regulations, Private Pilot

I have been working with a private pilot student who's primary instructor gave him an endorsement to take his practical test and filled out an 8710 on 11/17/2018, however his actual schedule with the examiner is not until 1/26/19. I have never personally encountered this situation, and my concern is with the verbiage on the endorsement A.1 per AC61-65G "I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received and logged training time within 2 calendar-months preceding the month of application in preparation for the practical test and [he or she] is prepared for the required practical test for the issuance of [applicable] certificate." Will this student need a new 8710 and endorsement to be eligible to take the practical test?

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2 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    KDS on Jan 10, 2019

    The way the FAA counts months has always been confusing to me, but, as I understand it, your student would be good to go as is. HOWEVER, if you are satisfied with his training, knowledge, and skills, why not make a new FAA Form 8710-1 on IACRA for him. Besides, if you’re the recommending instructor, the database will credit you for the passed practical test (assuming he passes).

    If there is some reason you don’t want to create a new 8710-1 and applicable endorsements, then my recommendation would be to contact the examiner, present the data, and ask if that would be satisfactory. It’s one of those situations where even if you’re right, if the examiner thinks you’re wrong, then everyone is put in a bad situation needlessly.

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  2. Mark Kolber on Jan 12, 2019

    Watch out for when the language if the endorsement does not necessarily meet the requirements of the regs. There are actually two regs involved here.

    1 – 61.39. \”Have an endorsement, if required by this part, in the applicant’s logbook or training record that has been signed by an authorized instructor who certifies that the applicant…Has received and logged training time within 2 calendar months preceding the month of application in preparation for the practical test\”

    2 – 61.109. \”3 hours of flight training with an authorized instructor in a single-engine airplane in preparation for the practical test, which must have been performed within the preceding 2 calendar months from the month of the test\”

    It is possible to satisfy 61.39 without satisfying 61.109. A November 61.39 endorsement could be based on instruction given in October. In January, 61.39 would be satisfied, but the applicant\’s logbook would not meet the 61.109 requirement. It is a reason the most common procedure is to give the endorsement immediately preceding the test.

    So you have to look for both.

    (You\’ll notice I left out the day part of the dates – the \”17\” in 11/17/2018, and referred to \”in November” for example. That\’s all \”calendar month\” means.)

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