Private Pilot Practical Test Endorsement Expiration
Asked by: PNWCFI 3354 views FAA Regulations, Private Pilot
I have been working with a private pilot student who's primary instructor gave him an endorsement to take his practical test and filled out an 8710 on 11/17/2018, however his actual schedule with the examiner is not until 1/26/19. I have never personally encountered this situation, and my concern is with the verbiage on the endorsement A.1 per AC61-65G "I certify that [First name, MI, Last name] has received and logged training time within 2 calendar-months preceding the month of application in preparation for the practical test and [he or she] is prepared for the required practical test for the issuance of [applicable] certificate." Will this student need a new 8710 and endorsement to be eligible to take the practical test?
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