Procedure for loss of GPS inside FAF/FAWP…i cant navigate to what I cant see.
Asked by: TBar 3139 views Aircraft Systems, Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, General Aviation, Instrument Rating, Private Pilot, Weather
For this example, I'll reference the attached RNAV(GPS) RWY 18 at Ely Nevada. (KELY) However I'm sure we can find many examples of this situation.
You are flying this published approach into the mountain valley at Ely Nevada, just are inside the FAF (FEILL) descending through 7000 in solid mist & fog.
Suddenly you lose GPS functionality. (The screen goes out, a bird takes off your antenna, Russians hijack the satellites...whatever... The point is you no longer have access to GPS derived information)
Now, sitting in the soup with no Nav source, how do you navigate the missed approach? Your RW18 Waypoint and your first Waypoint along the Missed Approach track (ZOLOB) are both GPS derived.
I'm expecting we'll get a "this is how I would handle it" answer and I am interested to hear if someone has a checklist/procedure for this situation but I'm most interested in regulatory policy. Beyond the RAIM related stuff, I can't seem to locate any firm guidelines.
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