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6 Answers

What is the purpose of Lead Radial depicted not associated DME arc?

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Referring to TANDY FOUR ARRIVAL of the FAA STAR chart, there is an lead radial-154.  According to the note below, it is noted FIM R-154 lead radial on FELLOW Transition.  Now I have not understood enough about how to fly DME arc also, but as I research internet, a lead radial seems to be used in flying DME.  But in this chart, there is no DME arc.  Therefore, I would like to know how this lead radial will be used.



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6 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Dec 16, 2018

    It is the lead radial to begin the intercept of the FIM 148 radial when flying the FELLOWS transition.

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  2. WarrenW on Dec 16, 2018

    The segments from SADDE to MERMA to TANDY are a perpendicular course to the LAX runways about 13nm west of LAX. You can imagine how important it is for that distance to not be compromised. The lead radial should help the pilot from overshooting the turn at SADDE and to maintain the proper distance from LAX.

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  3. coco on Dec 17, 2018

    Thanks John and Warren,
    Regarding complement note from Warren, it is a little difficult for me now but I will ponder it. I believe it will be of help in the flight training.

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  4. WarrenW on Dec 18, 2018

    Skyvector.com will give you a beautiful picture of this arrival. Type klax in the top left window and click ‘go’. Click ‘flight plan’ and enter ‘ FLW SADDE MERMA TANDY PAROL SXC ALBAS SLI’ in the window above Briefing & Filing. Left click in the space after SLI to activate the cursor there and push enter – you should see the STAR route displayed. Use the World VFR chart so you can see the LAX runways. If you use the 154 lead radial to turn onto the SADDE/MERMA segment it should be easy to stay on course. If you wait to start the turn at the 148 radial, you will overshoot into the area between the STAR route and KLAX putting you closer to a lot of departing traffic from KLAX.

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  5. coco on Dec 18, 2018

    Hi, Warren,

    I just checked it out. Wow! Beautiful! And I found Sky Vector has many other functions that will help me, too.

    Now I understand your reference to overshoot. Lead radials are great! LOL

    I also learned from you that we have to think about the characteristics of the high volume traffic areas. My training will be conducted based on Long Beach, so this is of great help. Thank you so much for sharing with me!

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  6. coco on May 13, 2019

    I passed the knowledge test the other day. I want to say thank you. Without your assistance, I couldn’t have passed it. I continue to study hard for the oral test and checkride. I would appreciate if you continue to support. Thank you. Coco

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