Specifics of being a Light Sport Instructor
Asked by: CharlieBravo92 1994 views Flight Instructor, Light Sport Aircraft
I have questions for two people: myself and my father. He held a PPL many years ago, but as he's gotten older he's run into medical issues that would prevent him from holding a Class 3 Medical. He's interested in buying a Kitfox and flying it as a Sport Pilot. I'm also interested in my Sport Pilot certificate, so I can fly it too.
But here's where we're confused. On one hand, it seems clear that a Sport Pilot cannot fly for hire. If my father got his CFI-S, but no Class 2 or 3 medical, is he only allowed to instruct for free? This would be useful for instructing family members, but he might also like to instruct others for hire, to help recoup the costs of the plane. Once I was eligible for a CFI-S, I might want to instruct too. It would be awesome to turn this plane into a small family business.
Is this prohibited without a Class 2 Medical?
Thanks for reading!
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