VFR Departure Procedures at Towered Airports
Asked by: mm1 4572 views Airspace, FAA Regulations, General Aviation
When I depart my class c airport vfr I’m always given a squawk code, altitude, and heading. This is the case whether I get flight following or not. I don’t change frequency or squawk code until directed to do so. Yesterday I departed a class d without flight following and was given 1200 squawk code but no heading or altitude. I was just given cleared for takeoff. I flew the runway heading and waited for instructions to turn and change frequency. I never got these so I requested them. I was approved to turn on course and told that frequency change was at my discretion. It seemed that I was expecting instructions not normal for this situation
After some research it seems like unless told otherwise, when departing a towered airport vfr I should make my turn out toward my on course heading on my own and change frequency on my own after leaving the charlie or delta airspace. Is this correct? Any reference to documentation on this would also be appreciated.
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