Can a private pilot carry passengers in a category/class they are not category/class rated for if they have a solo endorsement in that category/class?
Asked by: ogh18 2520 views FAA Regulations
Im currently studying for my CFI and have been trying to get better at navigating the regulations. Part of this is I have been giving myself practice scenarios of questions students might ask and then looking them up in the regulations. I am stumped on one question: If someone has a private pilot certificate in a certain category (say private pilot rotorcraft) and is working on getting an add on rating (airplane single engine land) then they need to get a solo endorsement to solo in the airplane (according to 61.31). Now the question is: can this private plot carry passengers in the airplane even though they do not hold a airplane single engine land rating on their private pilot certificate? More broadly can a private pilot exercise private pilot privileges while operating an aircraft they are not rated for if they have the solo endorsement required by 61.31? I assume the answer is no but, I cannot find where in the regulations it says so. Either way, I know this would be a bad idea in practicality but the point of the excessive is to find it in the regulations. The pilot is not a student pilot so student pilot limitations do not apply and I could not find anything in 61 subpart E that helps either. Any help would be much appreciated.
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