Determine Frequencies on Cross Country
Asked by: SFGiants21256 3913 views General Aviation, Private Pilot
I've talked with a few people and we are trying to see if there is an easier way to complete this task. This is for VFR.
Scenario: Flying cross country over 200 nm from Camarillo (North of Los Angeles) to Half Moon Bay (Near San Francisco).
Trying to think ahead and anticipate what I will need for the flight is radio control frequencies. I want to minimize the looking up I need to do in the air.
ATIS - Departing/Arriving Airfield
Ground - Camarillo Airfield
Tower - Camarillo Airfield
Departure - Camarillo Airfield
Pt Magu Control
So Cal Control
Nor Cal Approach 135.2
NorCal Approach 135.65
NorCal Approach 135.1
Tower/UNICOM - Half Moon Bay
What is the easiest method to find the remaining frequencies I will use (i.e. the ... in the example)? I know the top of the sectional has the Class B, Class C approach control frequencies. But they don't relate to an area. The only method we can think about is look up airfields along the route and see what the controls are for those individual airfields.
Thank you for all of your help.
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