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2 Answers

IFR Panel Requirments

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Aircraft Systems, FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating

I'm working to have my Cessna 182 certified for IFR.  I have the WAAS GPS but need a secondary nav source.  As I understand the FAR's, this could be a second GPS or a VOR or a VOR/ILS or an ADF.  My primary NAV will be the panel mounted GPS WAAS that is fully coupled to the autopilot.  My Foreflight Pro Plus has the current charts and approach plates and is a practical backup although not in compliance for legal IFR.  So I need to buy and install a panel piece of gear.  

Am I correct in my understanding in that I can add virtually any panel mounted NAV gear whether it be VOR or ADF?

2 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    John D Collins on Dec 01, 2018

    A WAAS GPS may be used for sole source of IFR navigation and by itself meets 91.205(d). A VOR system is not required as an alternate means of navigation. It is probably a good idea to have a VOR receiver that has ILS capability, but it not required by regulations in US airspace.

    An ADF receiver is only a valid alternative if the route consists solely of an NDB airway or within the service volume of an NDB or when on the final approach leg of an approach that uses NDB for lateral guidance. It is not a practical idea.

    ForeFlight is not appropriate for IFR navigation, although it may be used as a supplemental aid for situational awareness and to obtain charting and other information. In an emergency situation, you can do whatever you need to do to survive, so you could use an EFB like ForeFlight if your GPS failed in flight, but you could not depart on an IFR flight with a failed GPS and use your EFB for navigationwhile operating under IFR rules of in IMC.

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  2. Commander49 on Dec 01, 2018

    Thank you John. Not to convince the Avionics Shop.

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