Expired CFI-H, not interesting in instructing helicopters anymore.
Asked by: h60ace 1848 views Flight Instructor, Helicopter
Hello all. I have a rather complicated question. I visit this site regularly, and have decided to write my first post. I hold a CFI-H and CFII-H that expired in 2013. I was stationed in Germany and further deployed to Afghanistan when it expired (I'm still an active RW Standardization IP and Instrument Examiner). Excuses aside, I am interested in getting my ASEL CFII. Do I have to get current in whirly-birds on the CFI card in order to add airplanes? I really have no interest in ever instructing helicopters on the outside, and know that the helicopter checkout is VERY expensive. I truly look forward to hearing from all of you experts on this site. Thanks in advance for your advice!
Cheers, Andy
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