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2 Answers

Recurrent Training for Part 135 Instructors and Check Airmen

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FAA Regulations

This may not be the correct Forum for this question, but in hopes of picking the brains of industry experts...  here we go.


Does anyone know of a credible reference that allows the somewhat common practice of Part 135 Instructors and Check Airmen being given credit for their annual recurrent ground school training by conducting this training during the preceding 12 months?   


In other Words, Check Airman 'Bob" conducted 5 iterations of recurrent ground school under his company's approved 135 Training Program since his last recurrent date.  Now it is time for Check Airman "Bob" to complete his own annual 135.293, .297, and .299 recurrent tasks.  Since he is certainly proficient enough in these subjects to conduct this training program can he be given credit for having been taught these exact same subjects by someone else??  This question is specifically addressing ground school topics, not flight training.          

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2 Answers

  1. KDS on Nov 20, 2018

    I believe the answer is that recurrent training is defined by the FAA in FAR 135.321 as “The training required for crewmembers to remain adequately trained and currently proficient for each aircraft, crewmember position, and type of operation in which the crewmember serves.” Each 135 operator has a training program that has been approved by the FAA and if that program includes instructing in lieu of taking as an adequate program, then it follows that the recurrent training requirement can be satisfied in that manner.

    It’s an excellent question and if you get more information on the subject, I’d love to know what it is.

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  2. cpberg1 on Feb 18, 2019

    From our FAA approved 135 training program:
    \\\”A line qualified instructor who conducts a classroom subject within a course, a complete course of ground training, or emergency drills required within this approved training program will be considered to have completed that subject, course or drill for their own training requirement. Such credit shall be certified by the Chief Pilot or Director of Operations.\\\”

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