How do I calculate density altitude using these listed conditions?
Asked by: LastXdeth 3960 views General Aviation, Student Pilot
This was on my Part 141 stage III exam and is the only one I cannot seem to understand. Apparently, the answer is 4,097 feet. Here is the question:
Determine the density altitude using the listed conditions.
Field elevation ........................ 1,400 feet
Pressure altitude ..................... 1,500 feet
Temperature ................................... 95oF
Altimeter setting .................. 29.82 in. Hg.
When I do this on my manual E6B computer, I get only 1,900 feet. I simply spin the scale until 35oC (converted from 95oF) is over 1,500 feet (the pressure altitude).
When I try to do mathematical using the formula, Density Altitude = Pressure Altitude + 120(Outside Air Temp. - ISA Temp), I get:
Density Altitude = 1400 + 120(35-2.8) = 5,264 feet.
I have no idea what I'm doing wrong. I fail to get the correct answer of 4,097 feet using both methods.
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