Sport & Recreational Licensed Pilots – Eligible for PIC Credit for Dual Instruction towards PPL Certificate?
Asked by: PedroThePilot 2381 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Light Sport Aircraft, Student Pilot
Imagine you have a Sports Pilot Certificate. Better yet, say you hold a Recreational Pilot Certificate so you can fly a larger heavier Cessna 172. Such a certificated pilot is no longer a "student pilot" as per the little plastic green card. Correct?
Am I correct in assuming that any further dual instruction received in training towards a private pilot certificate is therefore counted as PIC time?
This may prove significant if one is ever seeking a commercial certificate later where 100 hours of PIC time are required. See Below.
* 250 hours total flight time
* 100 hours in powered aircraft (50 minimum in airplanes)
* 100 hours PIC to include 50 hours cross country:
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