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1 Answers

TAA and Private Pilot Training

Asked by: 2156 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations

I have a quick question that I have not been able to find the answer to. I did all of my Private Pilot training in Cessna 172 G1000 with an autopilot. Would this training also count towards 10 hours commercial training in a TAA? Also would instrument training in the same aircraft count towards the TAA time or is that double dipping?

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1 Answers

  1. ayavner on Nov 08, 2018

    (ii) 10 hours of training in a complex airplane, a turbine-powered airplane, or a technically advanced airplane (TAA) that meets the requirements of paragraph (j) of this section, or any combination thereof. The airplane must be appropriate to land or sea for the rating sought;

    (j) says:

    (j)Technically advanced airplane. Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, a technically advanced airplane must be equipped with an electronically advanced avionics system that includes the following installed components:

    (1) An electronic Primary Flight Display (PFD) that includes, at a minimum, an airspeed indicator, turn coordinator, attitude indicator, heading indicator, altimeter, and vertical speed indicator;

    (2) An electronic Multifunction Display (MFD) that includes, at a minimum, a moving map using Global Positioning System (GPS) navigation with the aircraft position displayed;

    (3) A two axis autopilot integrated with the navigation and heading guidance system; and

    (4) The display elements described in paragraphs (j)(1) and (2) of this section must be continuously visible.

    So to my reading, if the Cessna you trained in meets those requirements, it should count.

    Not sure on the double dipping question, but seems that there isn’t anything precluding it from counting – its smart and efficient to arrange training so that items can be combined, otherwise it could take very long indeed.

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