ILS Requirements
Asked by: Herky Pilot 2120 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Instrument Rating, Weather
I fly in an aircraft that is certified to be flown multi piloted. We have dual VORs, Tacans, and ILS, and have GPS that can be used as a backup to other NAV sources but not as the primary means of navigation. Recently one of our planes Glide slope has stopped working on the right side of the aircraft. Effectively the pilot in the right seat cannot use their instruments to back up the Left Seat pilot for Glide slope while executing an ILS. The Left Seat instruments are fully operational. My concern is that with no Glide slope back-up, the Right seat pilot cannot give adequate backup and there fore pilots flying this aircraft should not be executing any ILS. Since this is an aircraft certified as multi-pilot I believe both pilots should have fully functioning instruments for any approach that is to be executed in the aircraft. I believe a Localizer should be executed instead. Thoughts?
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