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Like class B, do you need class C clearance if on flight following?

Asked by: 1943 views Airspace

Like class B, do you need ATC class C clearance if on flight following?

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6 Answers

  1. ayavner on Oct 18, 2018

    Well you need a transponder and to establish 2 way comms with the class C controlling entity. I’ve not had a chance to do this on flight following since most the airports out here are class D, but I believe if you are going “to” the class C airport, they will hand you off to that tower. If you are going “through” or “over” that airspace, I would confirm with ATC whether they can arrange clearance or just let them know you are going to switch frequencies briefly. In any case, I don’t think its a given. Unlike IFR, there is no requirement to stay on the ATC frequency in flight following – worst case if they can’t reach you they will terminate services.

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  2. ayavner on Oct 18, 2018

    I should have specified above, because someone is bound to point it out, a mode C transponder 🙂

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  3. KDS on Oct 19, 2018

    “worst case if they can’t reach you they will terminate services.”

    Read 6-2-6 f 1 (a) in the Aeronautical Information Manual, which states: Radar facilities providing radar flight following or advisories consider the loss of radar and radios, without service termination notice, to be a possible emergency. Pilots receiving VFR services from radar facilities should be aware that SAR may be initiated under these circumstances.

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  4. ayavner on Oct 19, 2018

    Interesting – thought that was only if you were on a flight plan. Learn something new every day.

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  5. KDS on Oct 19, 2018

    It gets worse when you get to be my age and you not only learn something new every day but you also have to re-learn something old too.

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  6. John Scarry on Nov 02, 2018

    You don’t need to hear the magic words, “Cleared through the Class C”. If you are on flight following, and low enough to enter Class C airspace you will be handed off to the Class C approach control when you reach their airspace. Because you are talking to the ATC facility that handles that airspace, you have satisfied the regulation.

    §91.130 Operations in Class C airspace. (c) (1) Arrival or through flight. Each person must establish two-way radio communications with the ATC facility… providing air traffic services prior to entering that airspace and thereafter maintain those communications while within that airspace.

    Even if you do not enter their airspace, the approach facility will often handle traffic above and around their airspace.

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