Questions/concerns about using technology in the cockpit
Asked by: Richard224315 2418 views General Aviation, Private Pilot
I'm a rusty pilot, getting back into the swing of things. I've flown only a few hours since getting my ticket in 1993, the last of which were in 2003 or so. Since that time, aviation technology has advanced quite a bit, obviously. I'm a tech guy with degrees in computer engineering and computer science and I love technology but I have a built-in distrust of said technology, especially in situations where a tech failure is a very serious problem.
Some observations/questions:
My assumption is that there are very few hard, in-flight failures of FAA certified equipment which the typical private pilot would have difficulty handling well enough to safely get back on the ground. In general, is this a safe assumption?
During and after my primary training, I was never concerned about failures with VOR stations or equipment. Was my trust in VOR navigation unwarranted? Is my distrust of newer technology unwarranted?
With the retirement of VOR stations, I assume that GPS technology is generally considered to be at least as reliable as VOR equipment for navigation in VMC. Is that correct?
Should I be concerned enough to invest in portable backup equipment?
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