Asked by: wharrington20 4749 views Commercial Pilot, FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
Hey guys,
So to start out, I have been interested in becoming an airline pilot since childhood. I recently obtained my PPL. I am a Dual citizen of the United States and Ireland, but reside in the States currently.
I am currently enrolled in a combined instrument/commercial 141 training program in Florida. As I’m working on my instrument phase, I am obtaining my commercial hours and cross country requirements as well as practicing commercial maneuvers. This is to ensure having the CPL checkride soon after the instrument checkride.
Recently after speaking to an American pilot for an Irish airline (Aer Lingus), I am very interested in working for Aer Lingus for a few years. It sounds like I would only need my instrument and commercial multi ratings to start as well as 500 hours commercial experience. Would these A320 hours I obtain in Ireland count if I wanted to transfer back to the States later on? How does all that work? Should I be focusing on my commercial multi-engine instead of commercial single? I am planning to sit down with my school director Tuesday and wanted to gain more insight before changing my program around.
Thanks for the help!
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