CFII 61.39 Practical Test Endorsement Expiration
Asked by: uconn135 10527 views FAA Regulations, Flight Instructor
I have read similar forums but nothing answers my question directly.
Heres my situation:
I received a CFII endorsement on 7/20/18. I submitted my IACRA application for the CFII today 9/10/18. It is my understanding that the IACRA application expires after 2 calendar months (I don't now of a reg that states this, but I'm pretty sure the IACRA system locks the DPE out after 2 calendar months from the month of application). Therefore, I should be eligible to take the practical until 11/30/2018, because 61.39 (a)(6)(i) only states "has received and logged training time within 2 calendar months preceding the month of application.." it does not reference the practical test; only the application. Also, part 61 subpart H does not have a requirement for "three hours within the preceding 2 calendar months from the month of test" the way that private and commercial checkrides do.
Many people that I talk to are under the impression that the 61.39 endorsement expires after 2 calendar months, but I don't see this anywhere in the regs. So am I correct in stating that I should be eligible to take the practical until 11/30/18?
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