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Desire to be a CFI

Asked by: 1690 views Flight Instructor

I have a desire to be a fulltime CFI and I want to do my due diligence in researching the market before I jump in. I am at a stage in life where I can and want to make a career change. I enjoy teaching and flying, licensed since 2011. I am currently working on my instrument rating now, then on to commercial. (I plan to finish that regardless, merely for the training and safety it brings.) I would like to hear some pro's, con's and any advice that you can share. 
Thank you,

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2 Answers

  1. ayavner on Sep 06, 2018

    I’m in the same boat, working on my CFI now but honestly I am taking a realistic approach to whether i can parley it into a career change. I am not sure I can afford the pay cut, but I think it will be a nice supplement on weekends and evenings, and who knows maybe over time and a diligent business plan I can make it into something. And its nice to think, in case I get laid off again, I’ll have it to fall back on.

    Reminds me of a joke: what is the difference between a CFI and a pizza? a pizza can feed a family….

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  2. Private Pilot Insider on Sep 09, 2018

    Thanks ayavner for your feedback. I have really been doing some homework in this area and it seems that those who make it a “Supplemental income” seem to be the ones merely making the pocket change. I have researched average salaries and spoken with several full-time instructors and while the may not be on the market to buy their own G5 they are certainly not eating pizza. (Love your joke) Most of the full-timers are also doing one-day corporate trips and ferrying aircraft which to me would be a nice change from the routine. The other point that I have noticed is the weekend instructor normally gets the first time pilot while the full-timer gets the career pilot which has a higher instruction rate. I am looking to do the latter. preferably multi.

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