Solo endorsement for night flight restricted cert
Asked by: Nibake 2874 views FAA Regulations
This one has me scratching my head. I have a private pilot who got his certificate back in the days when it was possible to get a night-flight restricted certificate. It is not related to the Alaska exemption.
Regs and FSims are clear about how to get the exemption removed. However, it stands to reason that if I can sign a student pilot off to solo at night I ought to be able to sign a private pilot off to solo at night. Unfortunately what "stands to reason" doesn't always exist in the FAA's world.
I see several things mentioned in 14 CFR 61.31 but nothing comes close to this scenario. Any ideas? Are we out of luck regarding an endorsement? Would 61.87(o) work even though it looks like it only applies to a student pilot?
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