1 Answers
Please help me with my landings
Asked by: escargot 2038 views Flight Instructor, Private Pilot, Student Pilot
- I find my landings to be inconsistent. During my transition moment, my plane is always drifting left or right even if I correct for it. Then after touch down, even if I keep holding back pressure, the nose seems to come down hard. This results in a lot of minimal to significant side loading, especially on crosswind landings. I failed my first attempt at the FAA checkride because I couldn't demonstrate a soft field landing with a 12 knot crosswind. The instruction on landings from my CFI is very minimal, and she couldn't demonstrate a soft field landing to me the both times I've asked her. Any tips on sight picture, pitch/power/airspeed, and what I should be feeling and how to correct for it? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thank you!
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