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Max Continuous thrust

Asked by: 9371 views Aerodynamics, Commercial Pilot

What is Max continuous thrust? When do we use it? Is it same as max power?

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2 Answers

  1. JumboSi on Jul 10, 2018

    Max Continuous Thrust (MCT) is the highest power setting that a jet engine is certified to be operated in without limit. It is less than max power. In general, max power is referred to as Take off or Go around thrust. In Airbus- TOGA and in some Boeings G/A.

    MCT will be higher than climb power in lower pressure altitudes but once into higher levels (FL200’s, say) will be about the same.

    MCT is used following an engine failure either after the aircraft is accelerated and clean or after the time limit for TOGA power is reached – mostly around about 10 minutes – to achieve the best rate of climb. Some pilots will use it if an expedited climb is requested or there is benefit in achieving altitude quickly for procedural or other ATC reaasons.

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  2. Brian on Sep 22, 2018

    Thrust and power should not be used interchangeably. If you fly something with a propeller then power is your go to. In a jet thrust will be your reference. Some pistons and most jets have a max setting and a max continuous setting. Rotax engines, for example, have a 5 minute max power to be used for takeoff/go around before a reduction to max continuous power.

    Most jet aircraft will have a whole variety of power settings for different operations. Max thrust in an Embraer 170/175/190 is Go Around Reserve and occurs when an engine failure happens, windsheer, or the pilot selects max thrust. Max continuous is selected following recovery from an engine failure when reaching 1500 feet by our operating procedures. Takeoff/normal go around thrust is selected for takeoff and a two engine go around. This thrust setting remains up to 1,000 feet if memory serves. At this time the computer shifts to climb one or climb two settings. Our procedures default to climb 2 and climb 1 is used if we need the performance. Max continuous and go around + reserve (max thrust) are used only in life or death situations.

    Back to thrust vs power. In a propeller aircraft the power curve remains relatively constant through a range of speeds while the thrust curve varies widely with changes in speed. The reverse is true with a jet, thrust remains constant with speed and power varies widely with changes in speed. For this reason when we discuss a propeller aircraft, power is used for simplicity and for a jet thrust is used.

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