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KCCR LDA RWY 19R Required Equipment

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In the KCCR LDA RWY 19R IAP Planview it states "ADF or DME or RADAR Required." As I understand it, this means you would need 1 of those 3 forms of equipment to transition from the enroute environment to an IAF. Obviously, Radar is available here 24/7 unless it goes down, and you can use that to get vectors to the approach. But I can't understand why DME is listed here. I see that KANAN NDB is an IAF, so if I were to use that IAF I understand why I would need an ADF, but the other IAFs, which lie on V6, don't appear to require DME to identify or fly.

I need DME to identify the MAP, but only if I'm not timing the approach, but that DME requirement has to be listed in the notes section (which it is). But should a DME requirement be listed in the notes section if the MAP can be identified using time??? And the missed approach can be flown without reference to DME???

TL;DR: explain the DME requirement in both the planview and notes section.

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2 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Jul 07, 2018

    The “DME Required ” is for REJOY, an IAF (planview note) and missed approach hold (comment box).

    I am not a TERPS guru so this part is a WAG. I’m sure someone will set me straight; hope so if I’m wrong:

    REJOY can in theory be identified by two VOR radials SGD being the second one. That may be satisfactory for the en route environment, but there is a maximum displacement factor for terminal waypoints. SGD is 58 miles away from REJOY. That’s a mile displacement before factoring in permissible VOR errors.

    My guess is that SGD VOR at 58 miles, is too far away to be satisfactory as a cross-reference to REJOY in the terminal environment.

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  2. AviatorTrevor88 on Aug 06, 2018

    REJOY can be identified without DME using 2 of these 3 VORs: CCR, SGD, or SAC. I see that the textual missed approach defines REJOY using DME off of CCR VOR, but does that mean you are required to identify it with DME???

    Doing the math for the climb gradient towards the missed approach holding point of REJOY, you should reach 3000′ prior to REJOY. The enroute MEA on V6 is only 2000 coming from the Northeast.

    The explanation of different standards between enroute environment identification and terminal identification sounds like a plausible explanation.

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