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Can I change my mind and circle to land?

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FAA Regulations, Instrument Rating

At a non towered airport flying a non precision approach for a straight in landing, and come up to the runway and notice a change in wind direction favoring the reciprocal runway. MDA for the approach straight in and circle to land are the same altitudes. Can I go ahead and circle to land? 

I thought I would need a clearance to do so? 



Also, my understanding is circle to land were for towered airports. Thoughts?

a. Circling approach instructions may only be
given for aircraft landing at airports with operational
control towers.

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1 Answers

  1. Best Answer

    John D Collins on Jul 03, 2018

    From the Pilot/Controller Glossary:

    CIRCLE-TO-LAND MANEUVER− A maneuver initiated by the pilot to align the aircraft with a
    runway for landing when a straight-in landing from an instrument approach is not possible or is not desirable. At tower controlled airports, this maneuver is made only after ATC authorization has been obtained and the pilot has established required visual reference to the airport.

    At a non towered airport, the controller will issue a clearance for the approach by specifying the name of the approach and runway. So one is cleared RNAV RWY 2, Rock Hill. There may be multiple collocated procedures and a circling option. Which option the pilot chooses is their prerogative. Usually before the FAF, the controller will authorize a frequency change and advise how to cancel IFR (via a frequency or call FSS). At that point, you are on your own. Only you know which category of minimums apply due to speed or aircraft category and if you have vertical guidance or not or if you intend to circle or not. If you do circle, you must circle in the direction of the pattern unless the charted procedure requires otherwise.

    If you were at a towered airport, you would be cleared to land on a runway or if you wish to circle, would need authorization from the tower and be given circling instructions as to which runway to circle to and any restrictions.

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