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1 Answers

Is the instrument flight available for Cessna 152?

Asked by: 2635 views Instrument Rating

I am a pilot who is qualified as an instrument.

I'd like to take a long trip, but I think it would be safer to fly on an instrument than a watch flight.

By the way, Sesna 152 has only 2 COM and 2 NAV.
One NAV does not have a Glide Slope.

There is no GPS.

Is it possible to fly by instrument?

As far as I know, this plane has a GRABCARD

1 Answers

  1. Mark Kolber on Jun 16, 2018

    What does the Kinds of Operations Limitations in the POH for that specific N-number say?

    In general 152s are certified for IFR flight so long as the have the required instruments, whether a simple setup of 2 VOR with only one glideslope is sufficient from a practical aspect these days (that and an NDB was all I had when I trained >20 years ago) is a separate question. In some parts of the country I can see it being very limiting.

    What do you mean by a “watch flight?” IFR or VFR, we always need to watch when outside conditions permit.

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