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2 Answers

Use of STARs with Garmin 430

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Let's assume that our destination is Raleigh-Durhan (KRDU) and we are approaching from North.  We are assigned the ALDAN2 STAR with the ROA transition.  On the Garmin 430 we select:  PROC, Arrivals, ALDAN2 ROA.  The flight plan on the Garmin 430 reads:  Enroute, KRDU, Arrival ALDAN2, ROA, TIVAE, SBV,....., man seq, KRDU. Why do we get KRDU after the enroute portion of the flight and then the STAR (ROA, TIVAE,..., KRDU)? I thought that after the enroute portion of the flight the first fix should be ROA, then we should have the rest of the STAR (TIVAE, SBV....) and finally our destination KRDU. Thanks

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2 Answers

  1. John D Collins on Jun 04, 2018

    The Garmin GNS430/530 systems break the flightplan into segments. If only one segment is entered, it contains the departure, route, and destination and is labeled enroute. If procedures are entered, each procedure type is entered into its own segment.

    So enter a direct route between KHEF and KRDU. All you will see is the enroute portion.

    Select a Departure Procedure, ARSNL5, RWY, 16R, FLUKY transition. KHEF will be replaced by the departure procedure and the entries in the Flightplan will read:
    Departure ARSNL5

    So now the flightplan has a simple enroute section of KRDU and as you execute the departure procedure, FLUKY will sequence to the enroute section or IOW FLUKY direct KRDU.

    Along the way, ATC says expect the ALDAN2 ROA transition, approaches 23L in use. So you load the STAR choosing the ROA transition and RWY23L.

    You have not been cleared to ROA as of yet, so the enroute portion is still just KRDU, but now there is a new segment in your flightplan titled \”Arrival ALDAN2\”. Your updated flightplan now includes the following but you are still flying the leg FLUJY to KRDU:

    Departure ARSNL5
    Arrival ALDAN2
    man seq

    So now ATC clears you direct to ROA, decend via ALDAN2. You go to your flightplan and scroll thru it to ROA, hit direct-to and enter/enter to change the navigation from the leg FLUKY to KRDU to ROA as part of the STAR. It still ends at KRDU, because you have not been assigned or cleared for an approach.

    ATC says expect ILS 23L. You add the approach and select DOCAT as the IF and just load it to be ready.

    Now after the STAR man seq is a new segment for the approach that replaces the last KRDU with the approach procedure. Had you not loaded an approach, KRDU would have remained after man seq and if you had been cleared for the visual, it would have been appropriate. But since you loaded the approach, it replaces the airport, because navigation is going to be ultimately to RWY 23L. So here is the full flightplan as loaded, with a departure section, an enroute section, an arrival section and an approach section.

    Departure ARSNL5
    Arrival ALDAN2
    man seq
    Approach IL 23L

    While still on the STAR, nearing BUTTS, the controller clears you direct to DOCAT, maintain 4000 until DOCAT, cleared ILS 23L. Now you either activate the approach or scroll thru the flightplan to DOCAT and use direct-to.

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  2. Charles22 on Jun 04, 2018


    Many thanks for taking the time to provide such a detailed reply. Now I have a good understanding of how the Garmin 430 ties together DPs, enroute segments, STARs and IAPs.

    I understand that the Garmin1000 works in the same way as the Garmin 430 in regards to what has been discussed here. Could you please confirm that this is correct?


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